New year. New career. New Direction.

Hello followers of this site,

I’ve been considering discontinuing my subscription for this site as I haven’t had the time to update it or participate in the community lately. The main reasons for my absence are time constraints, dissatisfaction with WordPress, personal side projects, and a loss of enthusiasm for Quake.

I’ve been busy with work, life, and travel and these have often interfered with my plans for participating in Map Jams or completing code for Quake. I dislike using WordPress as a platform and it has dampened my interest in updating this site.

In my spare time, I’ve been working on personal side projects including game engines like Godot and GDevelop, AI model development, Kubernetes, and RUST. However, these projects don’t align with the content I initially intended to put on this website.

My enthusiasm for Quake faded after playing the remastered version. I realized that I was no longer enjoying the game as much as I once did, and I needed to step away for a while.

Going forward, I’m not abandoning the idea of this site but rather changing its focus. More varied content and focus on customization and building, not just exclusively for Quake. I would like to continue updating old Quake C tutorials and find new ways to engage with the modding community. I also plan to share my experiments with level design and game development.

Wha happun?

OK, not a great title but I feel like those who get the reference will appreciate it. I am not dead, but the PC I used to work on Quake projects died… I lost my primary hard-drive switched to the backup and then the computer died a second time within days of getting it back from being repaired. The culprit? I really don’t know. About the same time I got a promotion at work and put into a situation where I had to prove that I was qualified for that promotion. High stakes.

I did what I needed to and everything is fine but this blog and my involvement with the Quake community was put on the back burner while I worked 55-68 hour work weeks, taking care of the family, traveling often, and the coming holidays approached.

Meanwhile… I have received a lot of positive feedback from players who have played Moonlit Keep (my 2018 X-mas Jam map) which needed a patch to complete. Despite the need for a patch the reviews have been pretty positive and I feel a bit more enthused about trying my hand at mapping again this year.

While I doubt I will be doing anything huge with Quake C or Quake in general, I will continue my tutorial series where I update existing tutorials and explain interesting things I discover about QC sometime in the next month or two. I am also getting into Godot development for business purposes, but I can see myself using it to create a few small games this year.

Stay tuned…

QuakeC Tutorials, Updated

Hello to those interested in what I have been up to. Well, after the last Quake map jam I was in I realized that I just don’t have the time to get anything done in a short time frame unless that thing happens to be a short project. Recently I have been itching to do some coding since I do a ton of software development but rarely with code involved.

This begins my new journey. I am going to relearn QuakeC and go through some older tutorials. I will be going through them, fixing them, completing the code, and enhancing them as I feel interested in doing so.

I have no schedule for updating this site… I just will when I have the time.

So, let the stumbling through QuakeC begin!